Our team at Fieldcraft is sourcing specialty grain and other crops for grain buyers and food and beverage manufacturers, please let us know what you have available, or if you’d like to learn more about the production opportunities below.
Grain and Grain Buyers (by state)
Arizona: Conventional brown and white teff with assistance for those who haven’t grown teff before.
Arkansas: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration.
California: Organic buckwheat, ideally grown using regenerative practices. Next, 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics. Conventional brown and white teff with assistance for those who haven’t grown teff before.
Colorado: Conventional and Organic hard red spring wheat, hard red winter wheat, rye, oats and buckwheat. Conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas, 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, conventional brown and white teff with assistance for those who haven’t grown teff before.
Delaware: IP, non-GMO soybeans with a buy-in of a minimum of 50 acres.
Idaho: Conventional brown and white teff with assistance for those who haven’t grown teff before, and 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics.
Illinois: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration, conventional and Organic hard red spring wheat, hard red winter wheat, rye, oats and buckwheat, conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas and soybeans, non-GMO soybeans (maturity zones 1.2 – 4.8), and IP non-GMO soybeans. If you’re looking to add a new market and a windbreak, a grower-owned operation works together to process and market hazelnuts.
Indiana: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration, conventional and Organic hard red spring wheat, hard red winter wheat, rye, oats and buckwheat, conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas and soybeans, non-GMO (maturity zones 1.2 – 4.8) and IP non-GMO soybeans.
Iowa: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration, malting barley, heirloom grains, oats and rye, non-GMO and Organic corn, soybeans, oats and small grains, conventional, transitional and Organic soybeans and yellow peas. If you’re looking to add a new market and a windbreak, a grower-owned operation works together to process and market hazelnuts.
Kansas: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration, 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, and conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas.
Kentucky: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration, IP non-GMO soybeans, 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, non-GMO soybeans (maturity zones 1.2 – 4.8), and conventional and Organic hemp.
Maryland: IP, non-GMO soybeans with a buy-in of a minimum of 50 acres.
Michigan: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration, 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas, and non-GMO, organic or transitional soybeans. If you’re looking to add a new market and a windbreak, a grower-owned operation works together to process and market hazelnuts.
Minnesota: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration, 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas, and non-GMO, organic or transitional soybeans. If you’re looking to add a new market and a windbreak, a grower-owned operation works together to process and market hazelnuts.
Missouri: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration, 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas, and non-GMO, organic or transitional soybeans.
Montana: Conventional and Organic corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, barley and small grain, conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas, 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, buckwheat, ideally grown using regenerative practices, and conventional brown and white teff with assistance for those who haven’t grown teff before.
Nebraska: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration, 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, and conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas.
North Dakota: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration, conventional and Organic corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, barley and small grains, conventional, transitional and Organic soybeans and yellow peas, IP non-GMO soybeans, and Organic buckwheat, ideally using regenerative practices.
Ohio: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration, 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas, and non-GMO, organic or transitional soybeans.
Oklahoma: Conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas, and 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics.
Oregon: Organic buckwheat, ideally using regenerative practices, 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, and conventional brown and white teff with assistance for those who haven’t grown teff before.
Pennsylvania: 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics.
South Dakota: Conventional and Organic corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, barley and small grains, conventional, transitional and Organic soybeans and yellow peas, payments for carbon sequestration for corn, soybean and wheat, IP non-GMO soybeans, and Organic buckwheat, ideally grown using regenerative practices.
Tennessee: Corn, soybean and wheat grower programs that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration.
Texas: Malting barley from farmers who are growing or want to grow two-rowed, conventional, organic and transitional sorghum and chickpeas.
Utah: 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, and conventional brown and white teff with assistance for those who haven’t grown teff before.
Virginia: IP, non-GMO soybeans with a buy-in of a minimum of 50 acres, and 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics.
Washington: 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics, Organic buckwheat, ideally grown using regenerative practices, and conventional brown and white teff with assistance for those who haven’t grown teff before.
Wisconsin: Conventional and Organic corn, barley and oats, conventional, transitional and Organic soybeans and yellow peas, and corn, soybean and wheat grower programs from grain buyers that can improve profitability and offer payments for carbon sequestration. If you’re looking to add a new market and a windbreak, a grower-owned operation works together to process and market hazelnuts.
Wyoming: Conventional, transitional and Organic yellow peas.
Looking for more grain buyers?
Opportunities change all the time, let us know what you have available now or whether you’d like to receive alerts about new grain buyers and grower programs.