Below is a selection of specialty flour suppliers, including bakery, gluten-free and Organic flour, you’ll find on Fieldcraft.
Contact us to request samples of the below ingredients.
All Purpose Flours
Wheat All Purpose Flours
All-purpose flour is suitable for all types of baked goods such as bread, biscuits, pizza, cookies, muffins and more. This wheat flour is milled from cleaned and tempered hard wheat. Here are some of the conventional and Organic All Purpose Flours available:
All Purpose Flour
Whole Wheat All Purpose Flour
H&R All Purpose Flour
Type 00 All Purpose Flour
We can handle volumes from 200 lbs. to FTL. We also have many options that are sourced directly from farmers and include varieties such as Einkorn, Emmer, Spelt, Khorasan, HWS, HRS, Rye, Sorghum and Oaxacan.
Gluten-Free All Purpose Flours
All purpose flours don’t all have to be made from wheat. Gluten-free baking is much easier with flours specially made in an allergen-free facility. Gluten-Free All Purpose Flours include Sorghum, Amaranth, Buckwheat, Corn, Millet, Oats and Rice Flour.
Specialty Grain Flours

Gluten Grain Flours
Specialty wheat flours include Red Fife Hard Red Spring Wheat, Yecora Rojo, Turkey Red Winter Wheat, Sonora White, Spelt Wheat, Einkorn and Emmer.
We also offer Pure White Rye Flour milled from whole grain with most of the bran and germ removed. This flour provides a rye taste without the dark color and is for use in light rye breads and rolls and multigrain applications.
ReGrained is a new ingredient made from upcycled brewer’s “spent” grain (BSG) using a patented process. Made from a blend of malted barley, wheat and rye, its functionality across a broad range recipe applications make it easy and fun to showcase.
Gluten-Free Grain Flours
Some grains are gluten-free and are offered by specialty flour suppliers. A tiny grain full of protein, calcium and iron, teff has two main varieties for gluten-free flour: brown and ivory. They have the same nutritional profile, but the taste varies slightly. Brown teff creates a darker batter and has a deeper, nuttier flavor. Ivory teff is lighter in color and is a bit more delicate in taste which makes it ideal for sweeter baked goods. Request a sample of our Brown and Ivory Teff.
We also have Black, Red and White Sorghum Flours, as well as Brown and White Rice Flours. A wide variety of corn flours are also available including Non-GMO Project Verified Yellow Corn Flour made yellow corn, free of additives and preservatives, and used as a principal ingredient in non-GMO pancake mixes and extensively in the cookie and pastry industries as a non-GMO filler, binder and thickener. Also check out Pre-Gel Yellow Corn Flour which is used as a binder, carrier, and thickener in the food industry.
For sprouted flour options, we offer Sprouted Amaranth, Buckwheat, Kaniwa, Millet and Rice Flours. Finally, upcycled grain flours on Fieldcraft include Corn Flour and Soybean and Oat Flour.
Specialty Non-Grain Flours

Sweet Lupin Flour is made from non-GMO lupin beans, some of the world’s most nutrition-rich pulses, ideal for high protein, low carb applications. This flour is a gluten-free, keto-friendly baking substitute that delivers an optimal, low-carb package of protein, fiber and starch. Ideal for use in bakery applications as a replacement for other flours.
Black Bean Flour has a soft flavor that can be perfectly combined with sweet tastes such as chocolate, while Chickpea Flour and Precooked Chickpea Flour is easily digestible for optimal nutrient absorption and a good source of protein, fiber and iron.
We also have a wide variety of conventional and Organic sprouted flour from Sprouted Black Bean Flour to Sprouted Pea Flour.
Baobab Flour is packed full of antioxidants, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and prebiotic fiber and harvested from the Baobab Tree. It’s taste is naturally sweet & tangy and good for all ages. Baobab flour blends well into everything from smoothies, juices, yogurts, cereals, granolas, chips, sauces, baking mixes and more. Baobab flour is nearly 50% fiber, 28% of that is prebiotic fiber which feeds the good bacteria in the gut, supports the immune system and promotes healthy digestion. Baobab’s high prebiotic fiber content also makes the powder low-glycemic and incredibly beneficial for gut and skin health.
Cauliflower Flour is one of the most popular searches on Fieldcraft. We also offer a wide variety of vegetable flours including Cassava, Taro and Yam Flours. All are mild flavored, white-to-beige colored flours that are popular with gluten-free bakers and snack-makers. Choose from fine, extra fine, all-purpose and toasted flours.
Bakery ingredient suppliers are also stepping up to meet growing consumer demand for alternative flours. Oregon produces 99% of the hazelnuts in the United States a leads the supply of Hazelnut Flour. Perfect for vegan and paleo applications, this gluten-free, grain-free nut flour creates delectable baked goods.
Rounding out the nut flours are Pistachio Flour with 40% protein, Chestnut Flour, and Almond Flour.
From a processor of natural agricultural ingredients to the food industry from an allergen and gluten-free facility you can find milled Chia, Flaxseed, Pumpkin and Watermelon Seed Flours.
Upcycled ingredients include Raspberry Seed Flour, Hemp Flour, Sesame Seed Flour and Pre-Gel and Golden Quinoa Flour. Sunflower Flour is a sustainable, gluten-free, low carb, high protein flour loaded with fiber and healthy fats, and is rich in 13 essential vitamins and minerals.
Pizza, Pastry, Tortilla and More

Looking for flours for specific applications? You’re covered there, too.
For pizza flour, there’s Premium, Medium and High Gluten Flour, as well as Spring Wheat.
Looking to break the mold? Try Red Fife and TAM Flours varieties for pizza, breads, muffins and cookies.
Pastry Flour is a blend of the soft white wheats that the Pacific Northwest is recognized for. Like their other flour blends, the grower selects superior varieties and blends them for a consistent high quality pastry flour.
White Flour and Whole Wheat Tortilla Flour comes from the heart of the Oklahoma wheat belt. We have 13 different types of Tortilla Flours for any application.
ReGrained is a new ingredient made from upcycled brewer’s “spent” grain (BSG) using a patented process. Made from a blend of malted barley, wheat and rye, its functionality across a broad range recipe applications make it easy and fun to showcase.
Discover Specialty Flours and Flour Suppliers
This is just a selection of some of the specialty flour suppliers with Fieldcraft.
Contact us to request samples or to discuss your ingredient needs.