Our team at Fieldcraft is looking for small grains and other specialty crops for food and beverage production, please let us know what you have available for small grain buyers, or if you’d like to learn more about the production opportunities below.
Barley Buyers
Most of the world’s barley supply is used make beer, but barley does remain a staple food. Buyers include TexMalt in the South and Admiral Malting in California. In the Midwest, there’s Maltwerks, Healthy Food Ingredients, Miller Malting and LaCrosse Milling. Finally, on the East Coast, Murphy and Rude, Riverbend Malt House and Niagara Malt are sourcing barley.
In Canada, Harvest Hop & Malt, Horton Ridge Malt & Grain and Red Shed Malting source barley from producers.
Fieldcraft also sources barley for brewers as well, contact us to learn more.
Buckwheat Buyers
Buckwheat is not classified as a “true” grain, but its based on its use buckwheat is commonly referred to as a grain. Buyers include Bay State Milling and Lil Bucks.
Millet Buyers
Currently, millet is used mostly for birdseed and other pet foods, though it can also be used for human consumption. In the Midwest, DakotaMB, Ancient Brands Grain and Bay State Milling regularly source millet.
In Canada, Everspring Farms and Seenergy Foods buy millet as well.
Oat Buyers
Oats almost never have their bran and germ removed in processing so most ingredients are wholegrain oats. Throughout the Midwest, Bay State Milling, Miller Malting, Grain Millers, Healthy Food Ingredients, Great River Milling and LaCrosse Milling buy oats.
In Canada, Avling Kitchen and Brewery in Ontario is looking to work with small and medium-sized producers of oats.
Quinoa Buyers
NorQuin is looking for producers to grow quinoa in Western Canada. Minimum acreage requirement is 80 acres.
Rice Buyers
Fieldcraft is sourcing specialty rice, contact us to learn more.
Rye Buyers
Throughout the Midwest, Bay State Milling, Miller Malting, Grain Millers, Healthy Food Ingredients, Great River Milling and LaCrosse Milling are sourcing rye.
In Canada, Avling Kitchen and Brewery in Ontario is looking to work with small and medium-sized producers of rye.
Sorghum Buyers
In the South, New Deal Grain sources sorghum for food production.
Teff Buyers
There’s a new opportunity for producers in the Northwest and California. Maskal Teff is now sourcing brown and white teff and will assist those who haven’t grown teff before.
Triticale Buyers
In the Midwest, DakotaMB and Maltwerks buy triticale, while MBS Seed sources triticale in the South.
In Canada, Fieldstone Organics and Seenergy Foods buys triticale as well.
Wheat Buyers
Cargill offers corn, soybean and wheat growers the opportunity to improve profitability and earn payments for carbon sequestration. Growers have the flexibility to choose their own practices and enroll for one year at a time. Grain Craft sources 17 varieties of hard red winter wheat that have been tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics. Bay State Milling and Healthy Food Ingredients also source hard red spring wheat and hard red winter wheat. Finally, Nature’s Legacy buys wheat and spelt.
In Western Canada, Fieldstone Organics sources a wide variety of wheat.
Fieldcraft also sources specialty Organic wheat, contact us to learn more.
Please let us know if you have Organic grain available including small grains, soybeans, or certified Transitional or Organic grains available.