Below are some of the non-GMO corn and soybean suppliers on Fieldcraft. Click on the links to view ingredients and processors. Contact us to request more information, samples and quotes.
Non-GMO Corn Suppliers
Whole Corn
Bluegrass Farms tests and documents their non-GMO corn, along with using third party inspections for verification. Bluegrass supplies White and Yellow Corn for the food industry. Panhandle Milling offers non-GMO Blue, White and Yellow Corn, as well as Distillery Corn. MBS Seeds also offers Distillery White and Yellow Corn.
For heirloom and landrace corn, check out Hopi Blue Corn, Oaxacan Green Corn, Heirloom Bloody Butcher Red Corn and Open Pollinated White Corn from Barton Springs Mill, as well as Texas Topaz Blue Corn, Bloody Butcher Red Corn and Jimmy Red Corn from MBS Seed.
Corn Flour, Meal and Grits

A wide variety of corn flours are available from Lifeline Foods including Non-GMO Project Verified Yellow Corn Flour made yellow corn, free of additives and preservatives, and used as a principal ingredient in non-GMO pancake mixes and extensively in the cookie and pastry industries as a non-GMO filler, binder and thickener, while Lifeline’s Pre-Gel Yellow Corn Flour is used as a binder, carrier, and thickener in the food industry. Check out their non-GMO Corn Meal and Grits, too.
For heirloom and landrace corn ingredients, Barton Springs Mill supplies Corn Flour, Meal and Grits. Finally, NETZRO rescues and restores spent grain and offers an upcycled Corn Flour.
Corn Oil and Shortening
You can find RBWD Corn Oil from Columbus Vegetable Oils. For shortenings, Bluegrass Ingredients offers Corn Shortening Powder that leverages corn oil as the fat source.
Specialty Corn Ingredients
MBS Seed supplies a wide selection of Cracked and Roasted Corn varieties. You can find Corn Starch from Austrade, as well as Corn Maltodextrin, Glucose Syrup and Syrup Solids as well as Dextrose Monohydrate.
Looking for Corn Growers?
There are hundreds of growers on Fieldcraft that specialize in Non-GMO, IP and food-grade corn. Contact us to request more information.
Non-GMO Soybean Suppliers

Whole Soybeans
Bluegrass Farms tests and documents their non-GMO corn, along with using third party inspections for verification. Bluegrass supplies Bullseye Black Hilum Soybeans, Colonel Black Hilum Soybeans, Java Buff Hilum Soybeans, Bella Blanc White Hilum Soybeans and Narcissus White Hilum Soybeans. Soybeans processed by KAPI are used for a variety of products including tofu, soymilk, and soy sauce. KAPI offers Black, Buff Hilum and Clear Hilum Soybeans.
For grower direct souring, Rademacher Farms offers no-till and non-GMO Soybeans planted into cover crop.
Soybean Oil and Shortening
You can find RBD Soybean Oil and Expeller Pressed Soybean Oil from Columbus Vegetable Oils as well as Shortening, while Bluegrass Ingredients offers Soy Shortening Powder.
Specialty Soybean Ingredients
Ciranda offers non-GMO Soybean Lecithin Liquid and Powder. You can find Soybean Oil Flakes from Columbus Vegetable Oils.
Looking for Soybean Growers?
There are hundreds of growers on Fieldcraft that specialize in Non-GMO, IP and food-grade soybeans. Contact us to request more information.
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